Thanks To All Of You That Attended Our Houseplants 101 Webinar With Bryce Lane. Please Enjoy The Recorded Version. Below Are The Questions We Didn’T Have Time To Get To During The Presentation. Stay Tuned For Houseplants 102!

My ZZ plant’s leaves are yellowing at the tip inward...Also it is sturdy but the stems are splaying out instead of growing more vertical...I’d like a more vertical look, and to stop the yellow...we recently changed our heating, and that area goes down to 55 in that area at night....could this have an effect on the yellowing?

Diagnosing can be challenging because so many things can cause the symptoms you see. With that I will give it a go. At first it sounds like it could be a bit of over watering… both the yellowing and the splaying out could be the result of to frequent watering. Try letting the soil dry out between watering.

Bryce, Do you know Dr Geo Naderman?

I know of Dr. Naderman… he was a professor in Crop & Soil Science.

How do you know when to repot your soil? Gently pull the plant out of the pot and inspect the root system. If you see roots growing on the outside of the soil ball… it’s time! I usually re-pot every other year unless my plant is in a minimal light environment… then I’ll wait an extra year.

I’ve had plants for years and never changed the soil.

Do you not recommend a moisture meter for determining when to water? 

Moisture meters are ok, but one still needs to determine a baseline and figure out how the meter works… not all meters are created equal. Plus they may not be as reliable as advertised. My recommendation is to develop your own protocol.

If you have a cactus type plant, or succulent - it isn’t going to wilt - so when should I water it? 

Succulents will not typically wilt when they are short on water. The leaves will soften and lose their shine. I also wait a few extra (3) days when I think succulents need water, just to avoid overwatering. Succulents roots are now happy when they stay moist for any length of time. However, succulents, like any plant need water, just less frequent watering. Remember, when you do water… water to saturate.

Based on the environment, would you recommend more watering in a dry environment such as Colorado? 

Yes. Houseplants growing in places like Colorado, which typically have very low relative humidity, will dry out faster and therefore need more frequent watering. You still need to do an assessment to determine when plants need water. Don’t just increase frequency across the board. 

Do you wait to pot your plants until the Spring if you buy them during the winter months? Do you leave them in the nursery pots?

Re-potting can be done any time of the year. The differences are minimal. You just need to change your expectations depending on when you re-pot. Establishment in the new pot and soil may take longer if you re-pot in the late Fall or Winter, than if you do it in the Spring.

What are the best ways to reduce pests?

That is a question for a whole new webinar! First and foremost… Select plants that have a reputation of not attracting pests, second, inspect plants at the store before you bring them home to insure they are pest free, third, place plants in environments that they prefer… rather than putting them under stress in the wrong environments. Fourth, keep your houseplants clean… wash them on a regular basis, clean plants are healthy plants… in addition washing them often removes early infestations. 

Should we use artificial light in the Winter?

I do not typically recommend using artificial light… that is because I am a minimalist when it comes to care and $ spent growing houseplants. My approach is to choose plants that fit the indoor environments I have, rather than modify my environments for the plants. That approach is easier, less expensive and takes less time. However, it may limit the selection of plants I can use. I would rather spend my $ on the plants and not on artificial lights. Plus, plants typically have a season of “rest” in their native regions and I allow for the winter to provide that rest. 

What is the best way to get rid of aphids?

First, I would wash the plant off completely with a solution of mild soap and water. Bring it into the shower and rinse it off completely. Then I would spray with insecticidal soap, a very mild safe pesticide containing potassium salts. I avoid using other insecticides on my houseplants, unless I am spraying them outside.

How can I use charcoal and coffee grinds for plants?

Charcoal and coffee grinds can be either incorporated into the potting soil or top dressed in the container. Their benefit is minimal, and with the excellent potting soils we have today not that necessary.

Christmas cactus - any recommendations? I seem to be a serial murderess.

Careful with too frequent watering. They seem to require even less watering in the Fall when they are budding up. I also like to put my Christmas Cactus outside for the summer. I place mine under a tree in a partially shady area and they seem to thrive. I’ll bring it in in the Fall just before it starts to get really cold, usually around November 1 in Raleigh.

 How exactly do you loosen the roots if you want to repot after buying?

I loosen the roots with my hands, sometime I’ll use a small stick or knife. I will also inspect the roots and prune the ones that are damaged or extra long. I will also loosen those that are growing in circles around the edges of the root ball.

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