By Sydney Byrd of
The Byrds & The Bees
If you're looking to attract bees and other pollinators to your garden, consider Phlox.
I love to see these flowers blanketing over the ground in Spring, their bright happy colors bringing a much needed splash of color to the previously dull ground of Winter.
Phlox is available in tall and creeping varieties.
Personally, I prefer the creeping.
Honeybees, bumblebees, butterflies and even hummingbirds will frequent this plant.
I love adding native plants to my garden whenever possible. One of my favorites is Echinaea Purpurea or, Coneflower.
Its beautifully simplistic silhouette is a charming sight to see. A great thing about these plants is that they seed easily, If you plant one this year, you may have two (or three) next year!
The long blooming season of the Coneflower ensures that your garden will become a top favorite of pollinators.
Like the Coneflower, This garden beauty flourishes in soils that are more dry.
It has a long bloom time and it's tiny yellow flowers are most convenient for our short-tongued friends.
An added bonus: this plant is also deer resistant.
A great companion plant for Golden Alexander is monarda fistulosa or as it is more commonly known, Bee Balm. These two plants in your garden will be a dynamic duo!